Secure Your Data -
IT Cyber Security

We take your IT cyber security to the next level. Protect your business’s reputation and data.

Radium provides world class security services for our customers. This includes patch management on all hardware and devices connected to your business network.

Every year we will provide your staff with updated training on social engineering techniques and IT Cyber security best practices.

We will also run a full external penetration test of your external facing IT systems and provide you with our review and recommendations.



Our Capabilities


Cyber Defence

Protecting your assets from both external and internal threats. We also protect against disruption caused by natural disasters.


Applied Cyber Security

Technology-forward tools to enhance security in cloud, infrastructure.


Cloud Security

As your organisation moves forward in digital transformation ensure cloud-based tools and services are secure and safe for users to access.


Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence enables us to make informed proactive decision in the fight against threats to your business.


Investing & Reports

Make sure your organisation makes the right investment choices to improve its cyber resilience. Our experts will guide you in making the right choices for your business.


Vulnerability Management

We carry out ongoing processes for identifying, analysing, evaluating, and remediating your organization's cybersecurity threats.


Cyber security -
what is it?

Having a professional cyber security package in place is now essential for every business. Cyber security is when you apply the correct processes to ensure your IT infrastructure is protected from malicious dangerous software, unauthorised access or direct attack.

Radium cyber security packages are tailored to the customers need and cover a number of areas including critical infrastructure security, application security, network security and cloud security.

Just under half of Irish companies suffered at least one cyber-attack in the last 12 months. The frequency of cyber-attacks in Ireland has increased by 26% year-on-year.


Key benefits of cyber security plans

Radium’s cyber security plans protect your business with the following processes. We tailor our cyber security plans to match our customers’ needs and budget.

  • 24/7 Threat & vulnerability management.
  • Simulated phishing campaigns to identify risks.
  • Annual staff training.
  • Annual external penetration test and internal IT Audit.
  • Annual internal IT security review.
  • Improves GDPR compliance. Reduces the risk of breaches

We can also provide consulting and implementation strategies on security frameworks for compliance with EU/UK Government regulations, along with internationally recognised security standards and directives such as ISO27001, DORA, NIS 2, GDPR, PCI-DSS.


Cyber Defence

Cyber security defence combines the concepts of cyber security and cyber defence into one whole moving machine. Cyber defence is the strategy used to protect networks or systems and the information they contain. This is usually done with network detection and response, firewalls, key management, and more. The goal of cyber defence is to guard networks, identify potential problems and report incidents inside the networks. Cyber security consists of the solutions that help ward off threats.